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Category Archives: 3d printing
How much filament is on the roll of plastic?
So my slicer software of choice (Simplify3D) gives me some estimates on filament length for a printed part. That’s handy enough but my filament is wrapped around a spool and it’s a little bit unclear exactly how long that length … Continue reading
Posted in 3d printing
Tagged 3d printing, filament, math
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3d Printing in American Fork
Been 3d printing quite a while. It’s easy for anyone with an object they need printed to just upload it and get it printed out. Come by and pick it up or I can mail it. It’s harder if you … Continue reading
3d printing services in American Fork
So the last project I worked on at work required some hardware enclosures, handles and a couple odds and ends that we decided to design ourselves and 3D print. So lucky me, I’ve entered the 3D printing arena. Been having … Continue reading