The declining value of TurboTax and Quicken

I’ve been a TurboTax user for about as many years as I’ve had a computer at home. I’ve traditionally loved the great deal I got at the start of each year by purchasing a copy of TurboTax with a copy of the new year’s version of Quicken. In the past, there has always been a good discount when you purchased both products in combination. This year, I have found reference to the $30 discount on Intuit’s Rebate Site, but I haven’t yet seen much rebate promotion for the combo.

It seems Intuit is no longer happy with keeping its low end users in this state of free upgrades. This year, they’ve chosen to alter the names and features of their Quicken product. Instead of the “Basic” version, which has had all the support I ever needed, they’ve downgraded the lowest version of Quicken to something called the “Starter Edition”. I’m pretty sure the Starter Edition has most of the same features the basic edition had with the exception of the most important one: You can’t import your existing data. That’s right. The Starter Edition is only for new users. If you’re an existing Quicken user, you’re going to have to fork over another $30 and pay for the “Deluxe” version.

Here is how the costs break down. Continue reading

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Keeping a process running

Have you ever had a process that dies on occasion? For me, I hate that situation and prefer to fix the software as opposed to have a monitor that restarts the process when it dies. I’ve run into a case lately however, that has defied me for a solution to my dying process. I think it may be a hardware related issue but haven’t tracked down the cause yet. Anyhow, I read an email on the Provo Linux User Group in which the poster referred to PS-Watcher. I thought I’d give it a try for kicks.

After installing the program and reading through the documentation, I found that PS-Watcher is really quite nice. In addition to monitoring the results of the ps command, you can add custom actions that occur at the beginning or ending of the monitor cycle ($PROLOG and $EPILOG). You can also customize actions to be taken based on the number of processes, memory size, and a few other useful metrics.

For most situations where you want to monitor a process and take action, I think PS-Watcher will probably do the job nicely. After all this however, I decided what I really wanted was a little script that did a custom restart of my particular web server when the test URL wasn’t functioning properly. I decided to simply run it on a scheduled interval with cron. I’ve placed the script below for all to glean information from or make fun of as appropriate. Feel free to provide some additional tips as I don’t claim to be a “Bash Jedi Master”. The following script sends a request to the web server and parses the response for a string that lets us know the server is working properly.


user="<the user my process is running under>"
port="<the port>"
okresp="^OK$" # I configured a test URL that returns OK if the server is up and running right.

# make a simple HTTP request to send
req="GET /lbuptest HTPP/1.0

# send it using netcat
resp=$(echo "$req" | nc localhost $port)
# test for the ok string
echo "$resp" | grep $okresp 2>&1 >> /dev/null && ok="1"

# you could really place whatever actions you want here.
if [[ $ok != "1" ]]; then
/etc/init.d/<my process init script> restart

The process I’m having trouble with is a TurboGears web application. I don’t think this is a Python problem however. Like I mentioned before, it only happens on this one server so I think I’ve got a hardware problem. Either way, if you found this page searching for TurboGears information, you might as well be interested in my TurboGears Init Scripts.

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An Example Rich Text Editor Image Upload with PHP

After my previous image uploader and turbogears image uploader posts, the overwhelmingly most requested information has been a PHP implementation of the upload script. I’m not much of a PHP guru. Luckily, a few users have posted possible solutions for this. I’ve added an editor to this post that uses a PHP script to process the image on the server. The original image uploader script is compatible with the newer 2.4 version of the editor.

Whithout further delay, here is the editor. Just click on the “insert image” link under “Insert Item” to test the upload functionality. Continue reading

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Key Website Statistics: New Visitors and Conversion Rate

There are a few key statistics that every website operator selling a product or service should track. Of course, these are useful for other types of sites too, but when you’re attempting to sell something, you need to know where to spend your time and/or money to be most effective.

Unique vs New Vistors

A lot of website statistics software, e.g. Awstats, Webalizer, will tell you how many unique visitors you have each day. These are important numbers, but you don’t get a good picture from day to day of how many of those users are new, i.e. how many of those users have visited your site on a previous occasion.

New Visitors are certainly a part of the unique visits, but you have to track them separately. Why? This number gives you insight into how many people your marketing effort is driving to your site. If you have 100 unique visitors each day but only 100 unique visitors for the month, you have a pretty good retention rate on your visitors but certainly not a very good acquisition rate.

One way to track new visitors programmatically is to test for and set a cookie upon a visit. If you have the capability of doing this, and then storing a record each time you set a new cookie, you’ll be able to watch your acquisition rate from day to day. Another alternative would be to find a 3rd party service, e.g. Google Analytics, that provide you with code to place on your page.

Acquisition vs Conversion

Once you have the number of new visitors, you can start to form statistics based on that number that provide insight into the effectiveness of your site. The number of new visitors that purchase a product for the 1st time give you a conversion rate. These two numbers together can provide insight into where promotion money will be most effective.

  1. Increasing Traffic

    There are a number of different ways one could spend marketing dollars to attract new visitors. Assuming that your conversion rate holds fairly consistent, more users ought to translate into more conversions. If you have a pretty good conversion rate, spending money on driving more traffic to your site could be the way to go.

  2. Increasing the conversion rate

    If you are getting a pretty good number of new visitors, but your conversion rate isn’t very good, driving more users to the site might not translate into more profit. In this case, it may be best to evaluate how effective your website is at selling your product.

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9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design

I came across this article on It contains pretty concise tips that I can follow and make sure I’m doing. Since I’m not a designer and don’t necessarily have the best ability to choose matching colors and appropriate fonts etc, I find articles like these helpful to bookmark for reference when tuning my sites.

From the article:

Web design can be deceptively difficult. Getting a design that is both usable and pleasing, delivers information and builds brand, is technically sound and visually coherent… So here are my 9 principles for good web design with examples and further reading!

read more | digg story

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How to Manage Gmail labels with Apple Mail and Imap

After I set up Apple Mail to use my Gmail account, I had a couple things I was still having to go to the Gmail web interface for. One of those was managing multiple labels for a particular message. Since that time, I did some experimenting and have figured out how to manage the labels with Apple Mail. I’m pretty sure you could use any mail client that supports IMAP and you’d have the same results.

Here is how you can manage multiple labels for a message: Continue reading

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