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Tag Archives: yui
Using YUI to Create Nested Tabs
Recently, I was browsing the YUI JavaScript forums and found a post about nesting the tab control. I haven’t done that before personally, but have done things where my tabs had Ajax or DHTML dependencies inside the tabs. I decided … Continue reading
Using YUI components in a templated environment
If you develop sites anything like I do, you’ll end up setting up a site wide layout and theme before you start coding any individual pages. I like to add YUI components where they are useful, but I’ve come across … Continue reading
Image Upload with YUI Editor 2.5.0
The YUI team has been making further enhancements to the YUI library. I decided to stick together in one post all the previous resources I’ve added for the YUI Image Uploader and make sure the uploader was compatible with the … Continue reading
Posted in Programming
Tagged ajax, extension, image upload, javascript, rich text editor, rte, ui, yui
An Example Rich Text Editor Image Upload with PHP
After my previous image uploader and turbogears image uploader posts, the overwhelmingly most requested information has been a PHP implementation of the upload script. I’m not much of a PHP guru. Luckily, a few users have posted possible solutions for … Continue reading
Posted in Programming
Tagged ajax, image upload, javascript, php, rich text editor, rte, yui
Creating Image Preview Tooltips with the YUI Overlay Widget
The Yahoo UI Library provides a nifty helper for creating tooltips. I started playing around with it when I wanted to add the same tooltip to a large number of elements on a page. What got me interested in this … Continue reading
YUI Image Uploader Example with TurboGears
After completing the YUI Image Uploader, I received a lot of requests for a working example. I didn’t originally create a working example, because that requires server functionality that this server didn’t have. I’ve remedied the situation and have completed … Continue reading
Posted in Programming
Tagged ajax, image upload, javascript, python, rich text editor, rte, turbogears, yui