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Category Archives: Miscellaneous
Netflix: Your parental controls break everything
Normally I’m an email kind of guy and if a site takes so many precautions to not publish any possible way to contact them except via phone, I’d just bag it altogether and choose an alternative. I actually took the … Continue reading
Simplified Envelope Budgeting for GnuCash
OK, out of popular demand, I’ve decided to revisit this topic. My original Better Budgeting with GnuCash article is still highly relevant and worth a read for the background if you haven’t read that yet. The method I proposed in … Continue reading
How to export 1080p HD video with iMovie 08
So I’ve been playing around with video a bit more lately. I have two different cameras that record natively at 1920×1080 (1080p). I can get my videos into iMovie just fine, but one thing that always annoyed me is that … Continue reading
Google map with Utah Repeaters
I thought it would be helpful to visualize where all the radio repeaters are in my area. I found a lack of map information available for this sort of thing but I found readily available CSV data with the information. … Continue reading
A review of sponsoredreviews
I’ve terminated my account. It was a fun experiment, and I did indeed receive some cash on the side, but it’s just not worth the time I guess. I don’t think any readers of this site are actually are … Continue reading
Pardon my dust…
Switching hosting providers this weekend. I’m hoping to have a little bit more uptime than my old server was providing. Let me know if you see any 404 errors or stuff that I haven’t transferred over from the old server. … Continue reading