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Tag Archives: blogging
AllMyBrain is Tweeting
I’ve succumbed to the Micro Blogging movement. I figure it’s a little easier to keep people posted on various topics by posting a tweet rather than adding a new blog post for small items of information or links. Fell free … Continue reading
A review of sponsoredreviews
I’ve terminated my account. It was a fun experiment, and I did indeed receive some cash on the side, but it’s just not worth the time I guess. I don’t think any readers of this site are actually are … Continue reading
Pardon my dust
I found that my theme was not working correctly in Internet Explorer (Gee, imagine that.) Rather than search for another, I’ve decided to tweak it myself. Pardon my lack of styles for a bit. Edit There. I’ve created a new … Continue reading
WordPress and Caching
I just installed the plugin wp-cache. I’m not sure why more WordPress users don’t enable this. From the Wp-Cache description: WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make you site much faster and responsive. It works by … Continue reading
Posted in Web
Tagged blogging, caching, digg effect, plugins, scalability, wordpress, wp-cache
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