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Tag Archives: python
Using Multiple Python Environments With Gentoo
It’s been some time since Python 2.5 became stable and released. Version 2.5 has plenty of new features that have helped me in deciding that it was time to go ahead and start using it for primary development of all … Continue reading
Posted in Programming
Tagged gentoo, linux, python, upgrade, virtual python
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Virtual Hosting TurboGears Applications on Mac OS X Leopard
For a couple years now, I’ve been learning and applying various tricks for developing and hosting multiple Python web sites on my development machines. During that time, I made a migration to Mac OS X. Most setup files for python … Continue reading
Posted in Programming, System Administration
Tagged fink, Mac, OS X, python, turbogears, virtual hosts, virtual python, virtualenv
Keeping a process running
Have you ever had a process that dies on occasion? For me, I hate that situation and prefer to fix the software as opposed to have a monitor that restarts the process when it dies. I’ve run into a case … Continue reading
Posted in System Administration
Tagged bash, cherrypy, gentoo, linux, process, ps-watcher, python, startup scripts, sysadmin, turbogears
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YUI Image Uploader Example with TurboGears
After completing the YUI Image Uploader, I received a lot of requests for a working example. I didn’t originally create a working example, because that requires server functionality that this server didn’t have. I’ve remedied the situation and have completed … Continue reading
Posted in Programming
Tagged ajax, image upload, javascript, python, rich text editor, rte, turbogears, yui
Similarity of texts: The Vector Space Model with Python
I’m working on a little task that compares the similarity of text documents. One of the most common methods of doing this is called the Vector Space Model. In short, you map words from the documents you want to compare … Continue reading
Posted in Programming
Tagged algorithms, comparison, cosine measure, python, similarity, text compare, vector space model
Programming a client for the WHOIS protocol
I have a little task that involves programmatically determining whether DNS servers are set correctly for a domain. Since this project is written in Python, I first set out to see if there were any “whois” clients already available for … Continue reading