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Tag Archives: widgets
Upgrading to WordPress 2.3 and the New Built-in Tagging Feature
I’ve barely completed an upgrade to WordPress 2.3. Out of many new improvements, one which stood out to me is the integrated tagging support. No longer, is it necessary to download one of the many tagging plugins. Some things I … Continue reading →
My New Bookmark Widget
Ok, I found a widget that could replace the bookmark widget by simply allowing a customizable interface to the wp_list_bookmarks function. This is a highly customizable function that not only lets you grab all the bookmarks, but allows customization of … Continue reading →
Categories vs Tags
I found a couple plugins that make the tag and category features function the way I’d like. Simple TaggingThis plugin allows each post to have an associated set of tags. This enables a clean category system while still being able … Continue reading →