Making WP-Super-Cache gzip compression work

I was pretty excited to see an update to WP-Cache. The first thing I noticed is that when I enabled the new super cache compression option, I started getting a file save as dialog instead of my pages. As of the current version of WP-Super-Cache, the readme.txt file states that if you get this, you need to disable the super cache compression option.

Not being satisfied with this answer, I’ve done a little digging and come up with the following solution. Continue reading

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WP Super Cache – The Ultimate WordPress Caching Plugin

I’ve upgraded my old WP-Cache plugin to this one that I found on today.

From the Post:

Tired of clicking a link off the Digg front page only to find a crashed or mortally lagged site on the other side? Finally, Donncha (one of the main WordPress developers) has solved the problem once and for all with a plugin that blows WP-Cache away.

I had a minor issue but was able to find the answer on the WordPress plugins wp-super-cache faq page. If you are upgrading from the old plugin, you need to correctly set up you cache files in the wp-content directory. I had old files based on the original WP-Cache and needed to remove those and add the new ones.

# from within the wp-content directory
>rm wp-cache-config.php
>cp plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-config-sample.php wp-cache-config.php
>ln -s plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php advanced-cache.php

After that, I was able to enable and use the plugin successfully.

In addition to enabling the plugin, I thought I’d try out the super cache functionality. To do this, you have to add a few more rewrite rules to your .htaccess file. I didn’t notice this in the documentation, but you have to add these before your other rewrite rules.

# new .htaccess file after enabling super cache
RewriteEngine On
# if these rules come after, you'll not get the super cache functionality
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*comment_author_.*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wordpressuser.*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !^.*wp-postpass_.*$
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1index.html.gz -f
RewriteRule ^(.*) /wp-content/cache/supercache/%{HTTP_HOST}/$1index.html.gz [L]

# my original rules
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

Edit: I posted an update that deals with getting the super cache compression to work.

read more | digg story

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Installing PgAdmin3 1.8.0 with Gentoo Linux

Today, my quest for the latest and greatest software has led me to a new release of PgAdmin3. The Gentoo ebuilds for the project are terribly out of date. Before setting out to install the new version of this software, I decided I better figure out why it hasn’t been added to the official Gentoo portage tree.

The new version of PgAdmin requires wxGTK-2.8.*. There is a request for enhancement open already. The reason it hasn’t been closed is that there were a lot of packages that depended on anything greater that wxGTK-2.6 when they were added to portage. Those had to be fixed before a new wxGTK could be added because the newer wxGTK is not compatible. There is also a request for a newer PgAdmin that is marked that it will be resolved later.

Now, moving on to overcoming all this and getting the software right now. Continue reading

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Upgrading to Xorg-X11 7.3 with ati-drivers 8.42.3 on Gentoo

I’m a sucker for bleeding edge technology. After posting before about upgrading to the 8.42.3 ati drivers, I realized I was using Xorg-X11 7.2, not 7.3, which is the latest. The latest 7.3 ebuild contains a block on the ati drivers. The block is no longer necessary though because the 8.42.3 drivers are compatible and have xorg-server 1.4 support built in.

Here is what I did to upgrade. Continue reading

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How to virtual host load balanced websites with ldirectord and Apache

I posted a while back on getting Heartbeat set up to add reliability to websites. After a few weeks of experience with the system, I thought I’d add a few additional tips on making the setup more reliable. There are already a few good guides on getting heartbeat set up. You could also read my original post on the subject if you don’t already have heartbeat load balancing your site. This post however, deals with the case when you are servicing more than one site per physical server.

We host three different websites on three different physical servers. Each physical server hosts two websites with Apache. Each website is hosted on two different physical servers. The sites are load balanced with ldirectord which resides on two different servers that manage the public IP addresses to our services with Heartbeat. If load increases on any of our services, we could always add additional physical servers relatively easily.

Continue reading

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Fixing Slow Resizing of Windows with Compiz and Emerald

One of the 1st things I noticed after upgrading to AIGLX with the new ATI drivers was that window resizing was incredibly slow. A quick search on Google yielded a LOT of results for the same problem. The first thing I noticed however, was that they were OLD forum threads. They did mention however, that when resizing a window, the window would be repainted to video memory each step of the way, and that the application would still repaint the window when you were done.

I decided to go look at the settings for the resize plugin with the Settings Manager instead. I found there are different modes for rendering the resize. My plugin was set to the “Normal” mode. I’m not sure if the normal mode has anything to do with the repeatedly re-render problem people had in the past, but I decided to try out some of the other modes. To my pleasant surprise, every other mode of resizing the window is quick and efficient. You can even choose the mode that visually suites you the best.

  • Rectangle
    Renders a rectangle that represents the new size of the window while resizing. The window is resized after you stop dragging. While resizing, the window is still visible in the background at the original size.
  • Outline
    Same as the rectangle mode but there is an outline instead of a filled rectangle.
  • Stretch
    This one is my personal favorite. The window is stretched to the size of the dragging rectangle and doesn’t actually repaint until you are finished dragging.
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