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Tag Archives: plugins
The Recommended Tags Plugin
Since I upgraded to WordPress 2.3, The biggest thing I missed about my old Simple Tags Plugin was the auto-completion that happened for tags when I started typing them in on a post. I started missing that so much that … Continue reading
WordPress and Caching
I just installed the plugin wp-cache. I’m not sure why more WordPress users don’t enable this. From the Wp-Cache description: WP-Cache is an extremely efficient WordPress page caching system to make you site much faster and responsive. It works by … Continue reading
Posted in Web
Tagged blogging, caching, digg effect, plugins, scalability, wordpress, wp-cache
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Choosing a bookmarking plugin
Well, after evaluating a lot of templates, I’ve realized I’ll need a bookmarking plugin. There aren’t very many templates that contain the bookmarking widgets already. Here are the ones I’ve tried: Social Bookmark Plugin This one is OK. I like … Continue reading