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Category Archives: Hardware
A Good Site To Buy Desktop Computer Memory
A while back, I decided to add extra RAM to my iMac. I had heard from a friend that found a deal for 1G of PC5300 SODIMM for the iMac for as low as $25.00. At the time, I got … Continue reading
Gentoo with an Intel DQ35MP Motherboard
I’m slightly sad to see my old radeon 9600 card with Compiz being obsoleted. My motherboard in that machine shorted out somewhere and I was left with a bricked machine. Since the product was essentially about 5 years old, I … Continue reading
AIGLX, Compiz-Fusion, Gentoo, and my ATI Radeon 9600 Card with 8.42.3
Update: As of the last couple days (11/18/07), an ebuild has been added to portage for these drivers. It’s no longer necessary to create your own. So the Long Anticipated ATI drivers that support AIGLX are released. I’ve been wishing … Continue reading
Customize your laptop speed for temperature and performance
I while ago, I found a great article on Slashdot that shows how Windows XP manages variable speed CPUs. Well, at least it applies to Intel Speedstep technology. If you have an Intel processor (like the Core 2 Duo T7200 … Continue reading
Posted in Hardware
Tagged battery, cpu, intel, laptop, performance, SpeedStep, temperature
More RAM? Or maybe a new Computer?
Well, my sister asked me today which is better, getting more RAM, or just getting a new computer. I’ll do my best to explain. Your CPU is directly responsible for the speed at which a computer program runs. If programs … Continue reading