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Category Archives: System Administration
Gentoo Init Scripts for Cherrypy
A few of the web applications I am hosting/developing are written with TurboGears which uses Cherrypy as its applications server. I have a couple things that need fixed for hosting CherryPy web applications on my Gentoo systems. First, there are … Continue reading
Posted in System Administration
Tagged cherrypy, gentoo, init.d, python, screen, startup scripts, turbogears, virtual python
1 Comment
Upgrading an OLD Gentoo Machine.
I’m in the process of re-installing a pretty old machine with the latest Gentoo. I’ve got a shared NFS directory with portage and all my machines are using a packages directory. After one machine builds something, another machine can simply … Continue reading
One way to unemerge lots of unneeded packages on Gentoo Linux
As part of a recent project, I had installed a lot of packages on a separate machine to test my configuration. As is common, with Gentoo, you want to run the following before you actually emerge anything: emerge -p <package_name> … Continue reading
The Pix xlate command
I’ve recently had cause to change a couple static routings on our Pix 501 Firewall. I’ve done this in the past, but each time, it has resulted in a period of time where the new static mapping doesn’t take effect. … Continue reading
Using Linux-HA for High Availability with Gentoo and Linux-VServer
In my production setup, I don’t have a load balancer. This may be changed at some point, assuming that we can find one we like for the price we want to purchase it for, but in the mean time, I’ve … Continue reading
Posted in System Administration
Tagged fault tolerance, gentoo, heartbeat, ldirectord, linux-ha, linux-vserver, scalability, sysadmin