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Tag Archives: performance
Using YUI components in a templated environment
If you develop sites anything like I do, you’ll end up setting up a site wide layout and theme before you start coding any individual pages. I like to add YUI components where they are useful, but I’ve come across … Continue reading
Serving JavaScript Fast
I found this excellent writeup on serving JavaScript files posted on I think I’ll convert some of those ideas to Python but I thought it worth posting here in the mean time with the link to the story. The … Continue reading
Making WP-Super-Cache gzip compression work
I was pretty excited to see an update to WP-Cache. The first thing I noticed is that when I enabled the new super cache compression option, I started getting a file save as dialog instead of my pages. As of … Continue reading
Posted in Web
Tagged apache, extension, gzip, performance, plugins, scalability, wordpress, wp-cache
WP Super Cache – The Ultimate WordPress Caching Plugin
I’ve upgraded my old WP-Cache plugin to this one that I found on today. From the Post: Tired of clicking a link off the Digg front page only to find a crashed or mortally lagged site on the … Continue reading
Posted in Web
Tagged caching, digg effect, gzip, performance, plugins, scalability, wordpress, wp-cache
Fixing Slow Resizing of Windows with Compiz and Emerald
One of the 1st things I noticed after upgrading to AIGLX with the new ATI drivers was that window resizing was incredibly slow. A quick search on Google yielded a LOT of results for the same problem. The first thing … Continue reading
Customize your laptop speed for temperature and performance
I while ago, I found a great article on Slashdot that shows how Windows XP manages variable speed CPUs. Well, at least it applies to Intel Speedstep technology. If you have an Intel processor (like the Core 2 Duo T7200 … Continue reading
Posted in Hardware
Tagged battery, cpu, intel, laptop, performance, SpeedStep, temperature